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Misconduct sanctions

Recommendations made by the Police Ombudsman following the substantiation of a complaint fall into two main categories: performance matters and disciplinary actions.

Performance matters

Referrals on performance matters would normally be issues which signify failings that could detract from the professionalism of the Police Service. These referrals could also be in respect of matters which represent minor gaps in knowledge; carelessness; issues which are not intuitively addressed by all officers/designated civilian staff or which fall outside the specifications of existing training.   

Examples of cases which could be referred as performance matters:

  • Evidence of a lack of understanding/knowledge/consistent application of procedures (without consequence)
  • transcription errors (without consequence)
  • failure to keep appointments without reasonable explanation
  • inappropriate use of social media (without consequence)preparation of files/reports-inclusion of wrong material (without consequence)
  • misfiling of documentation (without consequence)
  • attending wrong address (without consequence)
  • inaccurate/incomplete completion of NICHE (without consequence)

Disciplinary action

Disciplinary proceedings are recommended by the Police Ombudsman’s Office in cases where a recommendation on performance matters is deemed insufficient.

The Office can recommend either a ‘misconduct meeting’ or a ‘misconduct hearing’: 

  • a misconduct meeting means a meeting to which the member concerned is referred under regulation 21 of The Police (Conduct) Regulations (NI) 2016 and at which he may be dealt with by disciplinary action up to and including a final written warning;
  • a misconduct hearing means a hearing to which the member concerned is referred under regulation 21 of The Police (Conduct) Regulations (NI) 2016 and at which he may be dealt with by disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. 

Outcomes available in disciplinary proceedings

Misconduct Meeting:

  • Misconduct not found
  • No further action
  • Management advice
  • Written warning
  • Final written warning
  • Extension of final written warning

Misconduct Hearing:

  • Misconduct not found
  • No further action
  • Management advice
  • Written warning
  • Final written warning
  • Extension of final written warning
  • Reduction in rank
  • Dismissal with notice
  • Dismissal without notice